Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Google unveils new applications - Software - News - ZDNet Asia:

Google unveils new applications - Software - News - ZDNet Asia:

Once upon a time, PhD students (including myself in year) have carry notebooks whereever we go. I carried real paper and pen notebooks and also my laptop with me. It is important, just incase we read something useful, and want to note it down!

How I wished then that there is an easier and less painful (My fingers have rheumatoid arthritis) way of taking note of data!!!

I think Google is answering the prayers of people like us. It is coming up with Google Notebook, just what is needed ! As I have fibromyalgia, it means really a lot to me, as I sometimes have this fibro-fog problem. (you can read about it here)

According to ZD Net:

"Notebook is designed to let people click a 'note this' link in the last line of a particular search result and save the result information to a virtual notebook in a pop-up window.

People can also grab text and pictures from Web sites and paste them into Google Notebook, as well as make the notebook full-screen size, drag and drop items to reorganize them, and e-mail the notebook to others. The program requires a plug-in and a Google account."

Again, typically Google style, it is so easy to use and download. As I am using Firefox already, I just had to click download, and it is installed when I reopen my browser again.

This feature is user friendly, and easy to organise. No more wondering where you chuck that important reference to support your arguments. Of course, you can SEARCH your notebooks and even search all notebooks that are made public. (There is an option whether to make your notebooks public). If google allows you to choose who you would share your notebook with, it would be perfect. Imagine having all the researchers in your lab sharing the notebooks.... progress would be faster, isnt it?

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