Monday, July 24, 2006

Biting your teeth

signs of submission date getting nearer...
  • you are biting your teeth while both awake, or asleep, or even while listening to another family member telling a lame joke
  • frown lines getting deeper
  • you go down to the cosmetic counter and emptied your wallet/bank whatever to get a pot of anti-aging cream, and suprised the sales girl with your actual age..
  • ops, another grey hair. Darn.
  • you flip through the TV section of the newspaper.... for the third time of the day
  • you walked all the way to get a newspaper, on the pretext of keeping up with the developments of Israel vs Lebanon
  • You wonder why Israel is not dropping a bomb here, or why this darned country does not join in the fight...
  • You claim your free gifts from your bank.
And since you still have have so much time left... you blog.

and then you realised you forgot to put the milk in the fridge... stale milk now...

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Piling higher and getting deeper

Pilling higher: papers that need to be read
Thesis chapters that need to be rewritten

Getting Deeper: My understanding and misunderstanding of SPSS.
My love for

From an occasional visitor, I am now a suscriber. Awww!!! and now they want to start a forum. If the average length of completing a phd is getting longer, there might be a PhD topic of how Piled Higher and Deeper contributed to this. And then there will be a debate about it...and then yes! We create a new journal. Called the Journal of the Study on PhD studies. Then we will all be able to collect "scientific" data about the motivation, habits, difficulties, etc etc experienced by PhD students. Lets make this a peer-reviewed journal, so that we can all claim to have published in a peer reviewed journal.

Hahaha. What rubbish-y thoughts. Another procrastination tactic....... hmmm I am getting more savvy with age.

Totally honest, yet Offered a job!!!

I am just offered a job.

It started with JOanne finding a job with a MNC, a very difficult to get position.
And then I thought, if Joanne could do it, so could I??? Joanne is younger and has a longer "list" than me, yet she managed, somehow. Wow. Maybe what the Chinese say is true, Heaven will not give man a deadend. Well, heck, just give it a try.

I had wanted to hide about my condition. But my experience tells me, no point doing so. If you get into a company who thinks that people like me are parasites, and wouldn't want to acknowledge my limitations and yet at the same time see my potential, I will go no where.

I need a boss, and a company who accepts me as I am, "lovely bone", foggy brains and all.

Yet, I was called up. They said they liked me!! Can you believe it?? They are willing to let me have a short contract for a try.

I liked my potential bosses too. My instinct told me that they are really really kind people, just like my thesis supervisor and my phd committee. With these people, I thrive.

Wish me luck. Please with me luck.

One up for fibromites.

And three cheers for people like my bosses. Heavens sent them to me, I believe.

But I should also let you know a little secret, seeking out these angels are hardwork. ANd I worked hard at it.

Things dont come easily for people like us. Just got to hang on, work hard, and if shit comes to you, think about that donkey!!